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Learn to Love your Voice

If you feel that you lack control over your voice, that it lets you down, is holding you back, or simply that it doesn't represent you or doesn't do what you need it to do from time to time, you may benefit from vocal coaching.

Do you...

  • often lose your voice or get hoarse?
  • feel that people don't listen to you?
  • want more strength and control over your voice?
  • want to feel proud and confident when you use your voice?

If you answer YES to any of the above, then vocal coaching may help you. To find out more, register now and we'll schedule a call to start getting you to love your voice.

Register Now

Unlock the Power of Your Voice

Join us for an engaging, three-hour workshop designed to elevate your public speaking skills and enhance your vocal presence. Whether you're presenting in the boardroom, pitching to clients, or leading a team, your voice is your ultimate tool for success. 

Next Edition Workshop Details

  • Date: 9.30am-12.30pm Sunday 30th March 2025
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Location: Nyon, Switzerland
  • Fee: CHF 118
“Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning” Maya Angelou
Find Out More

Through a series of regular 1/1 meetings, both virtual and in person, Helen unlocked my vocal performance. Thanks to an accurate initial assessment, and a methodical approach, she helped me progress towards a more powerful and confident voice, and also showed me how to modulate my voice to gain audience engagement.

Vocal Coaching Client, Switzerland

"Being a scientist, I usually focus on scientific facts with little attention to getting the message across effectively. The success I had with following Helen’s hand-on tips was striking. I never had that many people congratulating me after a presentation and I am convinced they understood and will remember my message. Helen also provided me with many resources that I can use to further improve my presentation skills.

I am sure her support will have a long-lasting impact on how I approach presenting in the future."

 Investigator, USA

"Thank you very much Helen! Our session was not only very valuable but also very enjoyable. It felt like talking my event through with a good friend who also happens to be a top notch expert for speaking in public. Fantastic!"

